www.gavinanotes.com are Silvia Gavina's personal selection. If you are a designer, an artist, or a writer and you wish to share your work or your favorite places with me, please write info@gavinanotes.com.

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Sophie Ko Chkheidze – geografie temporali

The work of time is fundamental, as happens in these works, which are conceived as …- hourglasses …dust that flows with the passing of time and thus underlines our own linear, irreversible time.
Sophie Ko Chkheidze

Georgian, born in Tbilisi, lives and works in Milan.
The pigments, sands and marble dust in her works move and transform, marking the passing of time, a slow time, a force of gravity made visible and in perpetual metamorphosis.
She says in her video: “…to grant ourselves slow time in which to make the images slowly grow“. Time as an ally.

posted06 - 2021


portrait – Luca Carra


Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku